
You are so beautiful to me that I can’t explain , Just like a green flower porcelain. You’re like a moon that I awaken to say hello, So beautiful and bright that you make me content to play it so. I see your face on the leaves,telling me how lone...

4月20日,一位推特网友发文吐槽《You're Beautiful》歌词体现的价值观扭曲奇葩,就是一首烂歌。“一个男人仅因女孩的外貌而爱上她,但却对她一无所知,(这种爱情)极其肤浅,甚至有些...

5、my love for you is as deep as the sea. ——对你的爱,似海深。 6、you are a woman of my dream. ——你是我的梦中情人。 7、you are my dearest love. ——你是我的至爱。 8、you are my only one. ——你是我今生的唯一。

9. You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line. 你太美了,我想好的情话全忘了。 10. If beauty were a crime, you'd be guilty as charged! 如果美是一种罪,那么你的...

Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep. 未来取决于梦。所以,睡觉去吧。 罗伯特·弗罗斯特 Robert Frost 1874-1963 I had a lover's quarrel with the world. 我与这世界, 如爱侣般吵了一架。 弗罗斯特以一首《未选择的路》 名扬四海,短短的几行诗句,承...

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